
A Shortcut for University Application

Smart as humans are, they have developed an internet tool to help for study abroad agency. CatEight it is. Want to know how I release redundant work burden?                        

1. Student clients filling in the application form on their own rather than I doing it for them.
I created 20 sub-accounts for my 20 students. Each of them could log in CatEight via their own sub-account and fill in their personal profile in this sub-account. It was automatically set up in CatEight that students personal profile could be submitted to my account. By clicking the button, I could add all the Applicant Details to the application form.
CatEight application  allows me to apply for 5 (or more) universities via one application form. Each of my student applied for 5 universities. With CatEight, I do not need to log in 5 different university office websites, log in 5 times for Apply entry, and fill in 5 pieces of application forms. 1 application form could be submitted respectively to 5 intended unis

2. Applying for 5 unis with only 1 application form
CatEight application allows me to apply for 5 (or more) universities via one application form. Each of my student applied for 5 universities. With CatEight, I do not need to log in 5 different university office websites, log in 5 times for Apply entry, and fill in 5 pieces of application forms. 1 application form could be submitted respectively to 5 intended unis.
Course Finder of CatEight  covers almost all types of courses including primary, secondary and tertiary courses in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. You can use filters and keywords to accurately find your course. In the course detail page, almost everything about a course is listed, including entry requirements, tuition feet intakes, course link, and delivery locations.

3. Use Course Finder tools to search for courses and universities.
Course Finder of CatEight covers almost all types of courses including primary, secondary and tertiary courses in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore. You can use filters and keywords to accurately find your course. In the course detail page, almost everything about a course is listed, including entry requirements, tuition feet intakes, course link, and delivery locations.

You can see the  application status , of pending, processing, accepted or not, after course application via CatEight. Additional filed for application also could be delivered via CatEight. This application process will last until you get your offers. Yes, uni offers are also delivered via CatEight. You can  receive messages  from the universities.

4. Tracking admission status after course application on CatEight
You can see the application status, of pending, processing, accepted or not, after course application via CatEight. Additional filed for application also could be delivered via CatEight. This application process will last until you get your offers. Yes, uni offers are also delivered via CatEight. You can receive messages from the universities.
Technology change your life!
Compared with the traditional way of university application, CatEight frees my time and energy. It is true that technology change your life,and I believe internet tools would get more and more popular among study abroad agency. In this Internet world, be advanced with time! Embrace new things, use CatEight!


How to Apply the University of Sydney

Part-1 Find your desired course of the University of Sydney via CatEight
University of Sydney offers a number of bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate courses. The numbers of courses offered by the university are over 1400. So it is preferable that a student figures out the exact course he would want to enroll for, before the time of application. Detailed information regarding courses offered by University of Sydney is available at CatEight, which a perspective scholar must go through in detail. One has a choice at going for the preferred course, majors, and the campus for which he may like to enroll for the course.

A few of the fields of study over which undergraduate courses are based include Architecture, design and planning, Arts and social sciences, Business, Education and social work, Engineering and computer science, Medicine and health, Music and Science. At University of Sydney, a student has a choice at going for a Professional or a Specialist degree, or Liberal studies. Their degrees are flexible and prepare students for a future of possibilities.
University of Sydney works towards ensuring that each of their students completes their degree confidently and with the ability to collaborate productively, think critically and be a positive influence over the world.

Part-2 Apply this course via Course Application of CatEight
After figuring out the course that one wants to enroll for, one must apply for the course via Course Application of CatEight.

To start with, one selects the applicants’ profiles with relevant documents. This is followed by selecting a country and a course. Then one confirms his submission method, which is either through an agent or through an institution.
Create multiple cases for application and save them for future use. Multiple cases are required to address several applicants, or for consulting multiple agents for advice.

Part-3 The advantage of CatEight application over traditional application
Choosing a course, college and a university all by oneself may come across as being a tolls taking task for a student. There are too many choices at his disposal. At times, a student may feel that he is unable to figure out the kind of information that simplifies the procedures for selecting a university for him. He may feel that an ocean of information over the internet is more confusing than helpful. In such circumstances, a resource such as CatEight can turn out to be a feasible online companion that helps a student come across requisite resources for making a selection.
Over CatEight, a student gets access to a massive database for his search. Search options are simplified with use of multi criteria search. A student hence comes across choices that meet his preferences in the best possible way.
With the course guide facility, a student is empowered to choose his course under an agent’s guidance. Agent search feature gives access to thousands of unique options at a student’s disposal.


Make It Easy

As an employee of study abroad agency, my main work is to help student clients apply for foreign universities. Can we make it easy?

last year, I took charge of over 20 student clients and each of the students applied for 5 Australian universities, which meant I helped each student find out and determine and apply for 5 universities. For 20 students, I submitted 100 application forms in total. For all the application affairs, I did by myself. What student clients did was listening to my guidance, preparing for tests (like IELTS, TOFEL, and GRE), providing the application required documents, and waiting for the university offers.
Responsible for 20 students, I am tired with the applying affairs. The most troublesome thing for me is filling in application forms. For each university, I, with the name of my student clients, signed up and logged in the official university website and filling in the application form. the form usually covers several pages, requesting applicant detail, education background, uploading qualification certificates, study and work experience, and health and no criminal conditions. the application forms from different university are similar, so that I repeatedly filled in the same information. And, I need to do the work for 20 students. In totally, I did this for 100 times.
Another affair that cost me large time and energy is helping students find out courses and universities that are suitable for them. I looked up the university website one by one, recording course information, such as course name, majors included, admission requirements, English requirements, intake time, application entry, and course link. after checking dozens of universities, I finally found out 8 universities that suits students. Students finally determined the universities they desired to enrol, by choosing 5 among those 8 unis.
I felt frustrated. Why should I do those repetitive things, which should be done by robot, rather than by humans! Why cannot I find a new method to avoid robotic work, hence greatly improving work efficiency? For university application, cannot we make it easy?
See the shortcut I have found for applying unis!


How to Apply Student Visa in Singapore

How to Apply Student Visa in Singapore 

You will need to apply for a student’s pass if you are a foreigner and have gotten the full-time study admission in a Singapore university. How to apply student visa in Singapore? Take the IPA, university Offer, and passport, go inbound to Singapore and take student visa in Singapore! See the following details.

1. Make student visa application online at least 2 months and not more than 3 months before your course begins

Applying for student visa in Singapore, you need to log in official website of Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority(ICA). You need to upload documents/information to complete your Student's Pass application, please have them ready before you apply. You can find a study abroad agent via CatEight to help you with the visa application.

6 types of educational institution are divided by ICA. You should log in the SOLAR+ and make it clear which type of education you are applying.

2. Find your desired university, submit the course application and get the offer.

The Offer-delivery time is about one week after submitting your course application, and the time for your visa application should be at least 2 months and not more than 3 months before your course begins. So, you are suggested to prepare visa application certificates before making university application and getting the Offer.

3. ICA approves your student pass and tells the university you will enroll in.

4. Your university notifies you that your student pass was approved and you should remit tuition.

5. The university sends you the In-Principle Approval Letter after you pay part of the tuition.

6. With the Entry Approval Letter and passport, you can start your Singapore journey!

7. After arriving in Singapore, you need to make e-appoint in the ICA website and get the student visa at the ICA office on the appointed day. you need to take required written documents to the ICA office.

(1) A copy of the personal passport (the copy of the first page of the passport).
(2) Study abroad application form and study abroad plan (it is better in your native language).
(3) Notarization of personal birth, notarization of the highest academic qualification, and notarization of banking deposit. All the notarized materials should be in both English and your native language.
(4) Physical examination report of Singapore local hospital (healthy examination after IPA entry).
(5) e-Form 16 form downloaded from ICA website.
(6) 8 individual photos, with passport photos size.
(7) University offer and IPA.

Applying for students pass to Singapore, you need fill in application form online, prepare required documents in advance, and pay attend to the application time. After submission, you need to check the application status. For all of those, youd better to find an agent to help you. You are suggested to log in CatEight. Just submit your application info and the agents from CatEight will know you and contact you and help you!



  • 他工作了多长时间
  • 他发表了那些类型的文章
  • 他曾经再哪些平台上发表过文章
  • 是否可以给你2~3处的链接,参看他的案例
  • 他上面的评分是怎么样的?
  • 他来写作,一周可以腾出多长时间呢?

Seeking Blogger With 5+ Years Experience in Education
We’re seeking a freelance writer with 5+ years in education recruitment to write copy to optimize our website to generate more inquiries for the universities and grade schools we work for.
Ideally,you’ve been writing professionally for at least 3 years, and have 5+ years experience in education recruitment. English is your native language, and you have been previously published on sites like Classroom 2.of Edudemic,and Inside Higher Ed.(最后一句是说,如果你在xxx平台上发布过文章,那就更好了)
Responsibilities include:
• Writing 1-2 blog posts per week. (Well provide topics and outlines, though ideas are always appreciated.)
• Contribute to Facebook and Twitter accounts multiple times per week.
• Assist with website copy as needed,
• Possibility of managing weekly mass emails.
You’ll also have a portfolio of blog posts proven to earn a lot of shares on social media.
Finally, we need you to send these four things as a part of your application:
• A link to your resume or website
• Links to 3-5 related pieces you’ve published elsewhere
• Your rates
• Weekly availability
In the first line of your message, write “I paid attention and read the full posting.” Otherwise, we won’t consider your application.(这句是逗乐来的,活跃气氛)
Write I’m an Educational Recruitment Blogger” in the subject line to be considered.
